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Individual & Group

How can it help?


The benefits from music therapy are varied depending on the needs of the client. However, music is essentially a social activity involving communication, listening and sharing. These skills are developed within the musical relationship between therapist and client or between the clients themselves in group therapy. As a result, clients may develop a greater awareness of themselves in relation to others. This can include developing greater confidence in their own ability to make relationships and to find positive ways of making their needs known.


What happens in a session?

A session usually lasts 30 – 50 minutes depending on the client’s age and needs. The musical relationship is whenever possible a two-way process in which client(s) and therapist improvise music together, although there is no pressure to play or sing and the client may choose to remain silent. 

Who is it for?
Music therapy can help those suffering from:


  • Mental health or emotional problems


  • Speech or language impairments


  • Autistic spectrum disorders


  • Conditions associated with aging (e.g. dementia)


  • Terminal illnesses


  • Shock or trauma


  • Alcohol or drug abuse


  • Isolation or depression

Music Therapy Aims


  • Provide an opportunity for individuals to express themselves and communicate


  • Improve communication and self-expression skills (e.g. listening, concentration and memory)


  • Enable social interaction


  • Increase mobility and stimulate activity, building strength and coordination


  • Work through damaged phases of development using non-verbal methods

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